Let Harbor Light Creative take care of all your online needs. From initial launch coaching, all the way to managing social media, and everything in between, HLC has what you need to succeed online!
Need a Website
but aren't sure how to get started?
need coaching
to launch that business?
Looking to boost
traffic to your site?
Ready to gain
more paying customers?
Seeking help
with managing your own site?
Let Harbor Light Creative take care of all your online needs. From initial launch coaching, all the way to month to month maintenance on a new custom website, HLC has what you need to succeed online!
Let Harbor Light Creative take care of all your online needs!
It's More Than Web Design!

Welcome to Harbor Light Creative. At HLC, you’ll find so much more than web design!
My PASSION is giving clients solid online presence that positively influences their small or growing platform.
My MISSION involves personal, local, and global influence. To learn more about the mission and purpose of this company, click here.
View My Web Designs

Every website launched by HLC feeds one hungry child for a year through Feed My Starving Children.
Click here for more details.